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Summer Mindful Way
Welcome to Summer Mindful Way
Overview of the Course
Benefits of Mindfulness in Summer
Week 1
Mindful Breathing: 10 Minutes (10:39)
Savoring Summer Vegetables (7:43)
Joint Freeing Series + Dynamic Flow - 35 minutes (38:12)
Week 2
Grounding Into Summer - 10 minutes (12:04)
Benefits of Sprouting (12:14)
Heart Opening Flow- 33 minutes (37:12)
Week 3
Body Scan - 10 minutes (10:22)
Fun Ways to Hydrate (6:48)
Gentle + Restorative Flows - 45 minutes (48:57)
Week 4
Connect to Nature - 10 minutes (10:51)
Preserving Summer (15:45)
Shoulder, Heart Opening, and Joyful Flow - 42 minutes (42:45)
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Welcome to Summer Mindful Way
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