The Course

Dive into the soothing world of mindfulness with a summer twist. As the sun warms the sky, we'll embrace practices designed to heighten awareness, reduce stress, and foster a profound connection with the present moment. This journey is filled with engaging sessions that cover various mindfulness techniques, including meditation, breathwork, and gentle movement. Whether you're looking to calm your mind amidst the busyness of life or seeking to deepen an existing practice, you’ll discover how to turn each day into an opportunity for peace and clarity.

Picture this: you're more centered, relaxed, and resilient, ready to face life's ebb and flow with a newfound steadiness. Through real-world applications, you'll learn how to integrate mindfulness into your daily routine, improving focus at work, strengthening personal relationships, and enhancing overall well-being. By the end of this course, you’ll not only have a toolkit of methods to help navigate the stresses of life but also a deeper appreciation for the simple joys that each day brings. Now, isn't that a fine way to spend your summer days?

Dr Martha Calihan

A practicing physician for over 25 years, Dr.Calihan also shares her passion for teaching the balanced care of body, mind and spirit through the Five Stones institute. It is through this not-for-profit component of the Five Stones Center that Dr. Calihan leads retreats and trainings on Mindfulness, bringing and restoring balance to the body and spirit to help people heal and regain their health.

Dr. Martha Calihan has practiced family medicine for more than 25 years, during which time her interests and her practice have evolved into a holistic, integrative functional approach to medicine. She is licensed to practice acupuncture and is trained in Mind-Body Medicine. In 2013, she was certified to practice Functional Medicine through the Institute of Functional Medicine, as a member of the first class of practitioners to be certified nationally.

Turi Turkel-Nevin

Today yoga truly is a way of living for Turi: Day-in, day-out conscious living, nourishing the body from the inside out with movement and stillness. Experiencing a deep focus on balance, Yin yoga has become a big part of stability that Turi loves to share. She brings to yoga the idea of mindfully deepening the connection between the body, mind, soul while expanding our vision to the world around us. Along with a strong dose of intention and attention, breath and movement, stillness and peace, her approach to wellbeing is offered one class at a time.

Lara Lattman

Lara is a Certified Nutrition Specialist and Licensed Dietitian-Nutritionist. Lara’s passion is to bring people to optimal health. Using food as medicine, she considers supplements exactly that, a supplement to a great diet. She recognizes that every person is different and may need different things from their diet. Her training has exposed her to many dietary programs both conventional and traditional. Lara guides her clients toward a more balanced way of living, incorporating movement and rest, which along with good nutrition are the building blocks of a healthy lifestyle